ISMAR 06 --- Fifth IEEE and ACM International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality --- Oct. 22 - 25, 2006 in Santa Barbara, CA

Call for Sponsorships

Secure Your Position in the Industry
Reach Highly Qualified Prospects for Your Products and Solutions

Over the last decade, mixed reality (MR) and augmented reality (AR) have evolved from experimental technologies to mainstream research activities that are starting to show impact on industry and society. The International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality is the premier forum in this vital field.

This year we are proud to present the fifth installment of the series, the 5th IEEE and ACM International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR 06). ISMAR represents an unique opportunity for researchers from academia and industry across the world to meet in an informal atmosphere to exchange ideas, concepts, and research results. It provides a great opportunity for industry representatives to present their products and solutions to an audience who is involved in advancing the state of the art.

Who should participate? If you are a supplier of products and solutions that address technical issues required for AR or apply AR technology to real-world problems, you should demonstrate your technology at ISMAR 06!

1. Conference Sponsor/Exhibitor: $3000

  • Get an exhibit table at the conference.
  • One complimentary registration at the conference.
  • Listing as a Conference Sponsor/Exhibitor in conference brochures emailed to prospective attendees.
  • Have company logo linked to the homepage of the company on the conference web site
  • Listing as a Conference Sponsor/Exhibitor in the conference program, including contact information and a paragraph about your company.
  • List of conference attendees including names, titles, and addresses.

2. Conference Exhibitor: $2000

  • Get an exhibit table at the conference.
  • One complimentary registration at the conference.
  • Listing as a Conference Exhibitor in conference brochures emailed to prospective attendees.
  • Have company logo linked to the homepage of the company on the conference web site
  • Listing as a Conference Exhibitor in the conference program, including contact information and a
  • paragraph about your company.

3. Conference Sponsor: $1000

  • One complimentary registration at the conference.
  • Listing as a Conference Sponsor in conference brochures emailed to prospective attendees.
  • Listing as a Conference Sponsor including in the conference program, contact information and a
  • paragraph about your company.
  • Have company logo linked to the homepage of the company on the conference web site.
  • Numerous other options are available, such as sponsoring a conference luncheon ($2000), reception ($4000), or
  • banquet ($6000). Partial sponsorships of these events are also possible.



Didier Stricker